November/December 2023

Volume 45, Number 5

Have an idea for a story? Would you like to submit a column for consideration? Please, let us know. And remember to fill us in on your organization’s new people, programs, new offices, projects or technologies — anything of interest to environmental professionals working in Florida. Send to SPECIFIER PUBLISHING
LLC, P.O. Box 1857, Tallahassee, FL 32302.

At A Glance

Florida’s Environmental News Source of Record focused on news content of interest to the environmental community.




Patrick Gillespie

Staff Writers


Senior Correspondent


MBA, MSRED, LEED Green Associate

Florida Environmental, Agriculture Agencies Make Major Budget Requests

The Florida departments of Environmental Protection, Agriculture, and Consumer Services, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and Citrus have presented their legislative budget requests for the upcoming fiscal year. The requests include funding for agricultural land conservation, water resource protection, Everglades restoration, and citrus industry recovery.

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Preserving Florida's Natural Habitat

Session is a Chance to Fund Environmental Projects

As the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government, Senator Jason Brodeur has played a pivotal role in preserving Florida’s natural habitat. His notable achievements include securing substantial funding for vital water projects and Lake Jesup’s restoration, as well as advocating for significant environmental protection legislation.

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waters of the United States

More to Come in New WOTUS Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a final rule revising the definition of “waters of the United States” (WOTUS). The rule addresses the Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA and determines federal jurisdiction for various Clean Water Act programs.

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A Look into the Future of Structural Engineering

Structural engineers face new challenges in growing the profession and adapting to technological advancements, building code complexities, and environmental impact. They must embrace advancements in materials, sustainability, collaborative tools, and education to shape a more innovative and resilient future for structural engineering.

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Distributed Wastewater Pilot Project

NWFWMD Launches Distributed Wastewater Pilot Project

The Northwest Florida Water Management District is offering grant funding for distributed wastewater projects in order to improve water quality in areas that are not meeting standards. Eligible applicants can receive funding for activities such as feasibility studies, construction, monitoring, and operational costs.

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Smart Growth is Possible With Smart Policy

Sean Parks, emphasizes the importance of growth management policies to ensure a better future for Florida’s economy. He suggests implementing green infrastructure policies, protecting unique lands, and exploring innovative development models to drive economic prosperity and address affordable housing issues.

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Park Passes, Hunting, Fishing Licenses Discounted

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the Great Outdoors Initiative, offering 50 percent off Florida State Park passes and hunting and fishing licenses. The discounts are available from Oct. 14 through Jan. 13, 2024, aiming to encourage outdoor activities and promote the state’s natural beauty.

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Everglades flooding

U.S. Army Corps Responds to Everglades Flooding

Miccosukee Tribal leaders in South Florida have joined forces with federal and state environmental leaders to address flooding in Water Conservation Area 3A of the Everglades, which is causing harm to wildlife and critical habitat. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has responded to the issue by issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact to lower water levels in the affected area.

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NOAA Denies Petition for Rice’s Whale Protection

NOAA has denied a petition to establish mandatory speed limits in the Gulf of Mexico, which could have impacted shipping lanes to Florida’s sea ports. The organization stated that it will focus on finalizing critical habitat, conducting vessel risk assessments, and developing a recovery plan for the endangered Rice’s whales.

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Protect Our Paradise

New Series on Florida’s Environmental Challenges Streaming

A new six-part documentary series called “Protect Our Paradise: Presented by Conservation Florida” is now available for streaming. The series explores Florida’s environmental challenges and the efforts being made to protect its lands, serving as a call-to-action for conservation and inspiring viewers to join the cause.

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Your Guide to Recreation in SWIFTMUD’s 16 Florida Counties

The Southwest Florida Water Management District offers a variety of recreational opportunities across thousands of acres of land, including biking, birding, boating, camping, fishing, hiking, and hunting. They also provide numerous campgrounds for family camping and offer reservation services through their website,

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Impacts of Maui Wildfires

FSU Scientists to Analyze Impacts of Maui Wildfires

Scientists from Florida State University’s National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) are analyzing soil and water samples from areas affected by the Maui wildfires to study the impact of the fire on the environment. The analysis will provide insights into how the chemistry of the soil and water has been affected and the potential consequences on the ecosystem.

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The Coolest Work on the Planet –

The South Florida Water Management District has been working on the largest ecosystem restoration effort in the world, which aims to restore and protect the Everglades. The district has made significant progress in constructing water storage reservoirs, stormwater treatment areas, and restoring rivers, with the goal of creating a more resilient and sustainable South Florida.

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Clay County Groundwater Recharge Project Underway

Clay County Groundwater Recharge Project Underway

A major water resource development project in North Florida, called the Black Creek Water Resource Development Project, is making progress towards its completion in late 2024. The project aims to recharge the Upper Floridan aquifer and improve water levels in lakes Brooklyn and Geneva.

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Florida Notes

Stay informed about the latest developments in Florida, from agriculture regulations to environmental initiatives. Explore the state’s efforts to protect its environment, promote sustainable practices, and address pressing issues in agriculture.

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November/December 2023

Volume 45, Number 5


Florida Notes

Stay informed about the latest developments in Florida, from agriculture regulations to environmental initiatives. Explore the state’s efforts to protect its environment, promote sustainable practices, and address pressing issues in agriculture.

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Clay County Groundwater Recharge Project Underway

Clay County Groundwater Recharge Project Underway

A major water resource development project in North Florida, called the Black Creek Water Resource Development Project, is making progress towards its completion in late 2024. The project aims to recharge the Upper Floridan aquifer and improve water levels in lakes Brooklyn and Geneva.

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The Coolest Work on the Planet –

The South Florida Water Management District has been working on the largest ecosystem restoration effort in the world, which aims to restore and protect the Everglades. The district has made significant progress in constructing water storage reservoirs, stormwater treatment areas, and restoring rivers, with the goal of creating a more resilient and sustainable South Florida.

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Impacts of Maui Wildfires

FSU Scientists to Analyze Impacts of Maui Wildfires

Scientists from Florida State University’s National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) are analyzing soil and water samples from areas affected by the Maui wildfires to study the impact of the fire on the environment. The analysis will provide insights into how the chemistry of the soil and water has been affected and the potential consequences on the ecosystem.

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Your Guide to Recreation in SWIFTMUD’s 16 Florida Counties

The Southwest Florida Water Management District offers a variety of recreational opportunities across thousands of acres of land, including biking, birding, boating, camping, fishing, hiking, and hunting. They also provide numerous campgrounds for family camping and offer reservation services through their website,

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Protect Our Paradise

New Series on Florida’s Environmental Challenges Streaming

A new six-part documentary series called “Protect Our Paradise: Presented by Conservation Florida” is now available for streaming. The series explores Florida’s environmental challenges and the efforts being made to protect its lands, serving as a call-to-action for conservation and inspiring viewers to join the cause.

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NOAA Denies Petition for Rice’s Whale Protection

NOAA has denied a petition to establish mandatory speed limits in the Gulf of Mexico, which could have impacted shipping lanes to Florida’s sea ports. The organization stated that it will focus on finalizing critical habitat, conducting vessel risk assessments, and developing a recovery plan for the endangered Rice’s whales.

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Everglades flooding

U.S. Army Corps Responds to Everglades Flooding

Miccosukee Tribal leaders in South Florida have joined forces with federal and state environmental leaders to address flooding in Water Conservation Area 3A of the Everglades, which is causing harm to wildlife and critical habitat. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has responded to the issue by issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact to lower water levels in the affected area.

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Park Passes, Hunting, Fishing Licenses Discounted

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the Great Outdoors Initiative, offering 50 percent off Florida State Park passes and hunting and fishing licenses. The discounts are available from Oct. 14 through Jan. 13, 2024, aiming to encourage outdoor activities and promote the state’s natural beauty.

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Smart Growth is Possible With Smart Policy

Sean Parks, emphasizes the importance of growth management policies to ensure a better future for Florida’s economy. He suggests implementing green infrastructure policies, protecting unique lands, and exploring innovative development models to drive economic prosperity and address affordable housing issues.

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Distributed Wastewater Pilot Project

NWFWMD Launches Distributed Wastewater Pilot Project

The Northwest Florida Water Management District is offering grant funding for distributed wastewater projects in order to improve water quality in areas that are not meeting standards. Eligible applicants can receive funding for activities such as feasibility studies, construction, monitoring, and operational costs.

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A Look into the Future of Structural Engineering

Structural engineers face new challenges in growing the profession and adapting to technological advancements, building code complexities, and environmental impact. They must embrace advancements in materials, sustainability, collaborative tools, and education to shape a more innovative and resilient future for structural engineering.

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waters of the United States

More to Come in New WOTUS Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a final rule revising the definition of “waters of the United States” (WOTUS). The rule addresses the Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA and determines federal jurisdiction for various Clean Water Act programs.

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Preserving Florida's Natural Habitat

Session is a Chance to Fund Environmental Projects

As the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government, Senator Jason Brodeur has played a pivotal role in preserving Florida’s natural habitat. His notable achievements include securing substantial funding for vital water projects and Lake Jesup’s restoration, as well as advocating for significant environmental protection legislation.

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Florida Environmental, Agriculture Agencies Make Major Budget Requests

The Florida departments of Environmental Protection, Agriculture, and Consumer Services, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and Citrus have presented their legislative budget requests for the upcoming fiscal year. The requests include funding for agricultural land conservation, water resource protection, Everglades restoration, and citrus industry recovery.

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Have an idea for a story? Would you like to submit a column for consideration? Please, let us know. And remember to fill us in on your organization’s new people, programs, new offices, projects or technologies — anything of interest to environmental professionals working in Florida. Send to SPECIFIER PUBLISHING
LLC, P.O. Box 1857, Tallahassee, FL 32302.

At A Glance

Specifier Publishing LLC is establishing “Florida’s Environmental News Source of Record,” focused on news content of interest to the environmental industry. We are interested in ideas you may have to improve the publication and the way we connect with the environmental
community in Florida.



Staff Writers


Senior Correspondent


MBA, MSRED, LEED Green Associate

Florida's Environmental News

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