Rice’s Whale proposed vessel restriction zones

The proposed designation of critical habitat for Rice’s whale in the Gulf of Mexico could have significant impacts on vessel operations and economic development in the region.
Clear as Mud – “Waters of the United States” Gets Yet Another Definition”

The Biden administration has published a new “waters of the United States” definition, making significant changes to the previous rule. Litigation challenges are expected to arise.
Telford Spring: A Piece of the Puzzle in Protecting Florida’s Resources

Discover the preservation of Telford Spring in Florida alongside the Suwannee River, showcasing the importance of land conservation and protecting natural resources.
USACE Workshop for Updated 2023 South Florida Ecosystem Restoration IDS

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a workshop to release the Working Draft of the 2023 Update to the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Program Integrated Delivery Schedule.
Why Performance-Based Structural Fire Design?

Discover the importance of performance-based structural fire design and how it enhances safety and resilience in buildings.
RES Acquires Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank

The Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank plays a crucial role in wetland mitigation efforts in Southeast Florida. It offers a diverse range of wetland credits, including freshwater forested and herbaceous wetlands, and helps offset the impacts of development on state and federal wetland areas.
Rattlesnake Lake North Recreation Site Reopened

The Rattlesnake Lake North recreation site in Florida has reopened, offering various activities such as camping, hiking, boating, and fishing. Reservations are required for camping.
Florida Specifier Changes Editors, Casts New Vision

The Florida Specifier, Florida’s Environmental Newspaper of Record since 1979, is changing editors in 2023. The publication will focus its attention on expert analysis of regulatory policies and legal cases, […]
Around The Gulf

TEXAS Exxon Mobil Relocates Headquarters to Houston Exxon Mobil has officially relocated its corporate headquarters from Dallas to its campus outside Houston, making it the region’s largest company by revenue. […]
Florida Notes

Stay informed about the latest developments in Florida, from agriculture regulations to environmental initiatives. Explore the state’s efforts to protect its environment, promote sustainable practices, and address pressing issues in agriculture.