Numbers down as sea turtle season ends on Sanibel, Captiva

STAFF & WIRE REPORTS Sea turtle nesting season has officially ended on Sanibel and Captiva, with the last remaining nest inventoried last week. A total of 787 sea turtle nests […]
Study links airborne Red Tide to neurological impacts

STAFF & WIRE REPORTS During the last active red tide bloom off our coast, about 80 islanders took part in a study that found a connection between exposure to airborne […]
Florida’s national parks, springs represent America’s best

By DR. ROBERT KNIGHT National parks have attained a special status in America. As a conservationist, I understand and appreciate national wildlife refuges, state parks, state and national forests, and […]
Monroe County caps roads plan with $1.6 billion in projects

By RHONDA HAAG, Monroe County,Chief Resilience Officer Monroe County has completed its Regional Roads Adaptation and Capital Plan study and determined that $1.6 billion, at a cost of $9.6 million/mile, will […]
Mobile LiDAR road survey work starts on 200 miles of Keys’ roads

By RHONDA HAAG, Monroe County,Chief Resilience Officer After three years of regional coordination efforts among Monroe County staff and representatives of all five municipalities in the Keys, mobile LiDAR road […]
Ultrasonic sound waves can keep reservoirs clean from algae

By LISA MARIA BRAND, Microbiologist, LG Sonic A real-time water quality monitoring and remote sensing system controls algae in large waterways such as drinking water reservoirs in Colombia. Lisa Maria […]
American Beach celebrates new water, wastewater system

By BLANCHE HARDY, PG Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Division of Water Restoration Assistance and Nassau County recently celebrated the groundbreaking of a new water distribution system and waste […]
Economy squeezing Petroleum Restoration Program

By NEELD WILSON, PG,owner, Gator Engineering & Aquifer Restoration, Inc. The Petroleum Restoration Program (PRP) is operating with fixed-fee contracts under some of the most difficult economic conditions seen in […]
‘Forever chemicals’ to accelerate at PFAS-sites in Florida

By MAUREEN DOOLEY, Vice President IndustrialSector at REGENESISRemediation Solutions A recent Northeastern University study suggests more than 57,000 sites in the U.S. are contaminated by PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). […]
Florida second in EV ownership nationwide; expect 600K by 2030

By SHARON BENNETT You probably heard that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed, promising cash benefits for those who buy certain (mostly American-made or with approved batteries) electric vehicles (EVs), […]
CROW remains standing in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian

STAFF & WIRE REPORTS Hurricane Ian brought much uncertainty to southwest Florida and the Sanibel Island community, but one thing is clear — the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife […]
Plant City ponders population, potable water

By STEVE SOLTAU,H2O-Knowledge Pro Plant City, famous for its annual Strawberry Festival, sits along the fast-growing I-4 corridor between Tampa and Lakeland as one travels east toward Orlando. Like much […]