2023 EPSS

Community Vulnerability Assessments and Projects to Improve Resiliency

This course discusses the latest tools and programs at the state and federal levels to implement more resilient infrastructure. They also cover funding, evaluation tools, and technical assistance programs to support resiliency. Attendees are encouraged to come prepared with questions for the panel as they grapple with Florida’s future in an ever-changing climate.

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An Audacious Plan to Protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor – Will It Work?

The Florida Wildlife Corridor is a visionary plan to conserve and connect some of Florida’s most important places. Legislative leaders have made the Wildlife Corridor a priority for state conservation spending. Nearly half of the corridor’s 18 million acres are already managed as conservation land, and three-quarters of the remainder is agricultural land. Planning the corridor’s future depends on traditional and newer strategies, including preservation, conservation easements, and compensating private landowners for the ecosystem services their land provides.

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Florida’s Environment, Water Policy, The 2023 Legislature and Beyond

Absolutely the most current and reliable information available on what the 2023 Legislature passed (or considered but failed to pass) and why; assessment of Florida’s changing political landscape with respect to environmental and water policy issues; comprehensive preview of what’s expected with respect to the implementation of 2023 legislation with a look ahead to the 2024 session and beyond.

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Federal Wetlands Permitting Update

This excellent course provides the latest updates to the Army Corps of Engineers’ Section 404 (Clean Water Act) and Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act) permitting process, including best practices for navigating through their complexities. Our panel of experts will feature step-by-step analysis of the ACOE permitting process including illustrative case study examples; emphasis on the key components to enhancing the speed of the application process; and avoiding pitfalls and other time sinks in order to obtain a favorable ACOE decision.

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Community Vulnerability Assessments and Projects to Improve Resiliency

This course discusses the latest tools and programs at the state and federal levels to implement more resilient infrastructure. They also cover funding, evaluation tools, and technical assistance programs to support resiliency. Attendees are encouraged to come prepared with questions for the panel as they grapple with Florida’s future in an ever-changing climate.

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An Audacious Plan to Protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor – Will It Work?

The Florida Wildlife Corridor is a visionary plan to conserve and connect some of Florida’s most important places. Legislative leaders have made the Wildlife Corridor a priority for state conservation spending. Nearly half of the corridor’s 18 million acres are already managed as conservation land, and three-quarters of the remainder is agricultural land. Planning the corridor’s future depends on traditional and newer strategies, including preservation, conservation easements, and compensating private landowners for the ecosystem services their land provides.

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Florida’s Environment, Water Policy, The 2023 Legislature and Beyond

Absolutely the most current and reliable information available on what the 2023 Legislature passed (or considered but failed to pass) and why; assessment of Florida’s changing political landscape with respect to environmental and water policy issues; comprehensive preview of what’s expected with respect to the implementation of 2023 legislation with a look ahead to the 2024 session and beyond.

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Federal Wetlands Permitting Update

This excellent course provides the latest updates to the Army Corps of Engineers’ Section 404 (Clean Water Act) and Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act) permitting process, including best practices for navigating through their complexities. Our panel of experts will feature step-by-step analysis of the ACOE permitting process including illustrative case study examples; emphasis on the key components to enhancing the speed of the application process; and avoiding pitfalls and other time sinks in order to obtain a favorable ACOE decision.

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