In this episode, the Florida Specifier’s Editorial Board gets together to talk about the November/December issue of the paper. Patrick, Ryan Matthews, Jeff Littlejohn, and Brett Cyphers cover a wide array of topics including what goes into choosing a front-page article; the most recent legislative committee week and special session; their picks for favorite articles; and how important suggestions from readers can be when creating high-value and relevant content.
Patrick talks about the theme for the issue, which is the early Legislative Session coming up in January. To read the Specifier online (where we hope you’ll subscribe if you haven’t already), go here:
To get a look at what the Legislature is up and the bills they’ve filed so far, head here:
and here:
Brett’s pick of the issue is one he commissioned Mary Szafraniec and Ansley Tilley from RES to cover related to the value of Public Private Partnerships in the environmental world.
Ryan’s big pick is the front-page article by Senator Jason Brodeur. Find that article here:
Jeff stays true to form and picks several “favorite” articles in this issue, including an update on his pick from a prior issue related to a federal designation of the Rice’s Whale. He also talks about the impending Capitol visits and other events involving the Florida Engineering Society and the American Council of Engineering Companies. To check out their websites, follow the links here:
and here:
A huge thank you goes out to Bagels and Biscuits for giving permission to use their music for the podcast.
This episode is a production of The Florida Specifier. Audio production and editing is by Karl Sorne and Dave Barfield at Lonely Fox Studios.
A special shout out goes to our very own Jamie Sheehan and Tracy Kistler for keeping us organized and moving forward.