Invasive Species – Your Questions Answered

invasive species

Q: What is an invasive species?

A: An invasive species is an organism that does not naturally occur in a specified geographic area, has been introduced intentionally or unintentionally by humans, and either does or could harm the environment, economy or human health. Invasive species pose a significant threat to Florida’s ecosystems by impacting water quality, native habitats and biodiversity. Both aquatic and terrestrial invasive plants, as well as invasive animals, require vigilant management to control their spread.

Q: Are there many types of invasive species?

A: Unfortunately, there are many invasive species in Florida. The District manages aquatic invasive plants, including hydrilla, water hyacinth and water lettuce, along with invasive terrestrial plants, including Old World Climbing Fern, Cogon grass, melaleuca tree and Brazilian peppertree. Additionally, the District manages invasive animals like feral hogs on conservation lands.

Q: Why is managing invasive species important?

A: Invasive aquatic plants can significantly impact ecosystems by hindering water flow, reducing oxygen levels and disrupting native habitats. This can negatively impact recreation like boating, swimming and fishing. Invasive aquatic vegetation can also negatively impact water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and limit the natural movement of water during flood events by forming jams on bridges and other structures. The small pockets between the leaves on water lettuce often harbor mosquitoes, which can spread disease to animals and people. Invasive terrestrial plants can overwhelm native vegetation, disrupting habitats and creating unsuitable conditions for wildlife. These plants grow quickly and often propagate easily, outcompeting native vegetation. Invasive terrestrial vegetation can also displace native plant communities, disrupt normal ecosystem processes, such as fire ecology, and destroy wildlife habitat.

Q: How does the District control invasive vegetation throughout the region?

A: The District utilizes a comprehensive approach to managing invasive vegetation on both District lands and public waterbodies. Integrated pest management is a method of managing invasive vegetation that combines cultural, biological, mechanical and chemical controls, while considering the impact of these control methods on the environment. On public waterbodies, the District works with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems through FWC’s aquatic plant management program. Aquatic plant management operations are conducted using aquatic herbicides (chemical), harvesters (mechanical), and triploid grass carp (biological), a weed-eating fish. The methods used depend on the plant species being targeted, the level of infestation, the size of the water body, and its primary use, among other factors. No single method is effective for all situations. Additionally, the District engages in cultural control methods by educating the public about invasive vegetation through information and public engagement.

Q: How can the public help?

A: Keeping invasive species under control is a challenging job. Aside from the District’s efforts in managing hundreds of thousands of acres of conservation lands and public waters, you can do your part in helping to stop the spread of invasive species by learning what plants you should and should not plant and by ensuring that all aquatic plant material is removed from your boat and trailer before and after launching your boat. For more information about invasive species, please visit

Garrett Snider

Vegetation Management Manager

Southwest Florida Water Management District

Garrett Snider is the vegetation management manager for the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Garrett is a licensed Florida pesticide applicator and has more than 20 years of vegetation management experience. He is a member of the Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society and the Florida Invasive Species Council and holds a bachelor’s degree in Sustainability Management from St. Petersburg College along with a Project Management Certification.


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