NWFWMD Launches Distributed Wastewater Pilot Project


Distributed Wastewater Pilot Project

The Northwest Florida Water Management District recently announced the availability of grant funding for distributed wastewater projects.

The pilot program is designed to help communities across northwest Florida plan for and implement distributed wastewater projects benefitting waterbodies that are currently not attaining water quality standards.

The focus of the pilot grant program is to demonstrate, through cost-effectiveness and water quality data, the benefits of alternative approaches to wastewater treatment, particularly in areas not suitable for central sewer facilities.

Eligible applicants and grant recipients are governmental entities, public wastewater utilities, nonprofit wastewater utilities, and other nonprofit organizations within the District’s 16-county region.

The District recognizes the technology supporting distributed wastewater projects may be developed uniquely by private entities and encourages such entities to partner with an eligible applicant.

For the purposes of this program, distributed or decentralized wastewater systems are those wastewater treatment facilities that are not central sewer or onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems projects and that provide a minimum of 65-percent total nitrogen reduction.

Eligible project activities are those that implement a distributed or decentralized wastewater pilot project and may include activities such as suitability studies and plans; construction and installation; engineering, permitting, and project management and administration; monitoring and sampling; and specific operational costs incentives for up to 24 months following construction. ●

For More Information: www.nwfwater.com/water-resources/funding-programs
Christina Coger


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