Florida’s Real Septic Challenge: Science, Not Inspections, Should Guide Policy

A recent opinion piece in the Tampa Bay Times argues for increased inspections and maintenance of septic systems as a means to reduce nitrogen pollution and mitigate harmful algal blooms like red tide. While well-intentioned, this argument is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how septic systems function and their impact on water quality.
A Legacy Worth Protecting — Continuity in Funding for the Panhandle’s Water Future

Northwest Florida’s growth strains outdated water infrastructure. Dedicated funding is crucial for estuary programs, habitat restoration, and ensuring the region’s natural legacy endures for future generations.
Five Recycling Champions Announced at Florida Recycles Day

Florida Recycles Day honored the 2024 Recycling Champions, including organizations and programs excelling in recycling, sustainability, and environmental stewardship across Florida.
Celebrating Florida Recycles Day: A Crucial Step for Our Economy and Environment

By KEYNA CORY Each year, the Florida Recycling Partnership Foundation, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection host Florida Recycles Day to shine a spotlight on the importance of recycling […]
Recycling is Alive: WM’s Commitment to Florida’s Recycling Facilities

WM leads Florida’s recycling future with major investments in advanced facilities, improving efficiency and tackling contamination challenges.
Eroding Beaches and an Eroding Federal Partnership

Florida’s beaches, vital for the environment and economy, face erosion challenges. Learn about state efforts and federal policy impacts on beach preservation, and the urgent need for legislative action to protect these natural treasures.
“Second Kick of the Mule” Awaits Feds, Ignoring WOTUS Decision

The Sackett v. EPA decision limits Clean Water Act jurisdiction to wetlands “indistinguishable” from regulated waters. Federal agencies face challenges in implementing this ruling, affecting environmental policy and landowner rights.
Florida Regulatory Turmoil, Uncertainty Threatens Florida’s Environmental Permitting Landscape, Key Projects

The WOTUS decision has upended Florida’s Section 404 permitting process, leading to significant delays for projects ranging from Everglades restoration to residential housing. Businesses now face uncertainty and must restart the permitting process with the USACE.
How to Establish a Recycling Program at Work

Start a successful recycling program at your workplace by designating a Recycling Champion, conducting a waste audit, and educating employees. Learn tips on bin placement, signage, and creating a recycling culture for a sustainable office environment.
Non-Profits, State Partner to Build Florida Wildlife Corridor

Explore The Nature Conservancy’s pivotal role in safeguarding the Florida Wildlife Corridor, ensuring habitat connectivity and resilience for native species amidst climate change. Through strategic partnerships and conservation initiatives, TNC in Florida is preserving critical ecosystems like the Lake Wales Ridge and Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve, securing a sustainable future for Florida’s biodiversity.
Recycling Right Means Some Things Belong in the Garbage

Navigating recycling can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn the basics of recycling right, from understanding what materials are accepted in your local program to identifying common recyclable plastics like PET and HDPE. With simple tips on sorting and avoiding contamination, you’ll be on your way to becoming a recycling pro in no time. Let’s Recycle Right!
“Error: 404 not found?” Federal Judge Vacates Florida’s 404 Wetlands Permitting Program

A recent court decision has brought a significant change to Florida’s wetlands permitting program, impacting how 404 permits are processed. Find out how this ruling affects environmental projects in Florida and the future of wetland protection.